
Flares and Sun-Speckles

Chazwick Bundick is the guy every girl really wants. The type who will gently take your hand and fly past the atmosphere to this land graced with lavender and an innocent aroma. From the sun-speckles to the lighting of the flares, I cant help but to make this my absolute favorite music video. I know one day, maybe a Tuesday, Bundick will set up a picnic of chamomile tea and honey-drizzled funnel cakes for me. We'll spend the day bathing in the cool breeze and soaking up the ginger sun. Towards the evening we'll play a darling game of tag as we frolic through a yellow, untamed field. He'll place a flower in my hair. We'll stare intensely into each other eyes before we light up fireworks as the sun commences its evening routine of hibernating to let the distant stars shine bright.

Can't a girl dream?

Cheers, Gaelle