
Flares and Sun-Speckles

Chazwick Bundick is the guy every girl really wants. The type who will gently take your hand and fly past the atmosphere to this land graced with lavender and an innocent aroma. From the sun-speckles to the lighting of the flares, I cant help but to make this my absolute favorite music video. I know one day, maybe a Tuesday, Bundick will set up a picnic of chamomile tea and honey-drizzled funnel cakes for me. We'll spend the day bathing in the cool breeze and soaking up the ginger sun. Towards the evening we'll play a darling game of tag as we frolic through a yellow, untamed field. He'll place a flower in my hair. We'll stare intensely into each other eyes before we light up fireworks as the sun commences its evening routine of hibernating to let the distant stars shine bright.

Can't a girl dream?

Cheers, Gaelle


Cheers to Here and Now

"Our goal is to discover we have always been
where we ought to be."

-Aldous Huxley (Doors of Perception)


Cheers, Gaelle.


For dreamers only...

When you dream tonight, dream big with no restraints. Take full advantage of your creative liscense and let your inventive blood flow through your veins like never before. Jump through that portal that distinguishes reality from fantasy and make reality a vulgar term, spoken only by the cynical. Go wild. Live free. Dream on.

Six Songs I Fall Asleep To:
1. Red Hot Chili Peppers "Porcelain"
2. Sufjan Stevens "To Be Alone with You"
3. Angus and Julia Stone "Babylon"
4. Fleet Foxes "Mykonos"
5. Chad VanGaalen "Willow Tree"
6. Grizzly Bear "Knife"

Sweet dreams.
Cheers, Gaelle.


Perdue dans ce Champs

Blog: Fashion is a Playground

Theme Song: Chad VanGaalen "Rabid Bits of Time"

Don't you get a wift of some painfully sensual yet sweet aroma, with a bittersweet hint of breeze and sun kiss, in the first picture? Perchance Eau de 'Frolic in the Fields'? She's such a beautiful person and evokes such a strong air of elegance but not just any kind of elegance, the 'dancing-in-the-wind' with grace type of elegance. She's a fashion enthusiast I can truly respect.
Cheers, Gaelle


Love, I'm Going Nowhere.

"Took a backseat to an old me
Took a deep breath when you told me
That you'd change you just to hold me"

-Evening Hymns "Dead Deer"

I'm not one to throw around phrases like, "I love you." It's such a sacred and sensitive phrase to me, reserved for some stranger in the future who I'll want to spend the rest of my life with. "I love you" should have substance. "I love you" is a delicate rose. A baby powder scent. A morning kiss. The "butterflies in your stomach" sensation. It's the moment that your heart sinks and the whole world slows down as it waits for you to get back from this high. Love is Beautiful.

"I love you" is the beauty of it all.

Cheers, Gaelle.